Step #5 to Less Stress: Letting Go


Inquiry Method teaches you to live with less stress. To create the life you want there are six steps. Over the last several months we have covered the first four steps. Here we talk about the fifth step of Letting Go.

Letting go is the process allows you to release what holds you back. When you let go you will experience more freedom, a deeper sense of aliveness and connect with your inner-knowing.  In the last post we discussed emotional awareness the step where we discover the hidden, often unconscious basis for our behaviors.  Letting go is the step where we make the change.

Letting Go, is part of our natural capacity as human beings.  You have in fact already let go of 95% or more of all of the pain you have ever experienced in your life.  Because you have not been taught to let go of pain you don’t intellectually know how to do it and cannot implement it when you want to.  However, with a little practice you will discover that letting go is at your command.

To Let Go you must fully feel the repressed, stuffed, denied experiences, the emotional awareness.  This does not mean you have to scream, shout, or cry, just be willing to feel it.  At some point as you immerse yourself in the feeling of it you will be ready to release and let the energy flow out of you.  You just have to find the knack of it.  Letting Go is a skill that can be developed and practiced. As with any skill find a practitioner that can support you to learn and master this most important life skill.  Properly done Letting Go permanently erases the pain and emotional baggage from your system and opens you up, it changes long held patterns.

I find it is very helpful to have someone facilitate and witness the process with you.  There is something comforting about someone else holding the space for you, to witness your process that deepens and makes the letting go more powerful for you.  A good facilitator can take you deeper and support you in the deepest work.  It is even more powerful when you do it in a group of very safe people.

I find that people are at first fearful and want to avoid doing this work.  However the amazing transformational power of Letting Go is absolutely worth it.  Letting Go is simply the most powerful tool there is to achieving and making your life great.  There is no substitute to doing this kind of work on yourself.  Don’t waste a minute looking outside yourself for the answers.

Imagine yourself without the pain, without the reactionary, patterned parts of you.  Imagine you have the tools to face the challenges in your life so that each experience and event brings you closer to the person you would like to be.  Imagine when things get hard you have the tools to move through your life with grace and power—that is the possibility.

When done right, with the proper support I have seen so many powerful transformations with this process:

  • Conflict resolution

  • More joy in life

  • Creative expression

  • Ending of chronic physical pain

  • Massive stress reduction

  • Resolution of difficult relationship issues

  • Success in business

  • Life renewal

  • Relief from depression

  • Marriage renewal

  • Virtually any life issue can be resolved with this technique in conjunction within the context of the previous steps.

Through training and regular practice of Letting Go you will come to the next step Inner-Knowing the reward for all of the work you have done. Find the next step (and the rest of the series) here.