Filled with tools to grow and find inner truth, this self-improvement book offers a road map to help people better understand themselves in many different forms.
Likely you are yearning for something—something specific like achieving a goal or a certain kind of relationship, more money, or happiness, or maybe it’s more open-ended like freedom from something, or freedom to do or be something in the world. Perhaps something is keeping you from truly connecting or letting go.
In Life at Altitude, author Kyle Mercer offers a road map for you to better understand yourself in many different forms. Guiding you to connect with your own truth, he helps you recognize you are not your emotions, mind, reactions, or ego. Through his trademarked Inquiry Method, he shows you how to overcome what might be keeping you stuck in that mindset and how to remove obstacles preventing you from fully experiencing life.
A guide for finding your inner truth, your meaning, and your self-understanding, Life at Altitude explores the elements of your mind, body, and source that prevent you from aligning with your true nature. From this place, you can practice life, yoga, religion, the law of attraction, or any spiritual practice to its highest meaning without emotional, egoic, or other limitations, setting you on a life-changing journey.