Step #6 to Less Stress: Inner-Knowing


The whole process I have been writing about from Recognition through Letting Go is aimed to allow you to access your Inner-Knowing.  Your Inner-Knowing is the most powerful part of you and the part of you that provides deeply informed and effective responses to what occurs in your life.  By accessing your Inner-Knowing you become more you, the authentic you, who want to be.

Inner-Knowing comes from the most profound part of you, some people may call it your spirit, or your authentic self.  I like to think of it as your unconditioned self, the you that came into the world.

All great insight comes from this Inner-Knowing place within you. Everything we do well, we do from Inner-Knowing.  This is why we often solve our problems when we stop thinking about it, or when we sleep on it.  Inner-Knowing does not come from your head, it needs some space, some openness to show up.

It is very difficult to access Inner-Knowing when we are thinking; all of that mind activity gets in the way.  It is also very difficult to access it when we are emotional.  This is why we often look back and wish we could take back what we said, or get the insight later of what we could have said that would have been much better.

Don’t say that, then “your are going to control your emotions and just be logical” that is not the way.  You have to address your emotions, do your emotional work so you can create that inner peace, the comfort, the feeling of fitting into your own skin that brings forth your Inner-Knowing.

We all would like to spend more time coming from our Inner-Knowing—it feels so good.  We can when everything is going just right and we are relaxed and in our element.  Unfortunately life is not always like that.  This is why we need to do our work, the process of Recognition—Safety—Awareness—Letting Go. When we do this we reconnect with our Inner-Knowing again and become brilliant creators of our own life.

Because it is uncomfortable or unfamiliar for you—and most people in the world—you put huge amounts of energy into avoiding doing your emotional work.  I often wish I could sit with each one of you to help you do your emotional work. I know it would change your life. I have seen the transformation so many times.

I hope that I have inspired you to do what you need to do to access and inspire your Inner-Knowing. It will change your life. It can change the world.  And the world needs it.

Namaste—”The spirit in me respects the spirit in you.”