Upgrade Your Life


Heal your emotional pain and learn to let go.

We all experience emotional pain.  It is part of life, just like physical pain.  However, we have all sorts of resources to deal with the physical.  But most of us get stuck in our emotional pain— we accept it as just part of life.

We do not need to live with chronic anger, fear, shame, stress, sadness, depression, or jealousy.  Learning to identify and consciously let go of emotional pain is a critical life skill we can learn.

Letting go is a technique and a technology that can be mastered.  We think we do not have resources to address emotional pain but actually we do. We have the ability—we just need to be taught how.

Emotional pain directly contributes to chronic physical pain and illness present in our culture.  On an even broader basis, it is the cause of primary struggles within our families, in our relationships, and at work.

The presence of emotional pain can be identified when we acknowledge chronic negative emotion.  Examples are episodes of depression, anger or rage, deep sadness, feelings of loss, anxiety and fear.  Or simply a feeling that there is something we are missing in life— something unidentifiable that bothers us.

As a culture, to cope with our emotional pain, we “handle” or just ignore our pain. We create rigid structures and self-defeating habits.  Many of us cope with our emotional pain with addictions and/or drives:  chronic eating, drugs and alcohol, are a workaholic, co-dependent behavior, withdrawal, escapism, over-control of self and others, or any behavior that you would like to change.

Coping creates stress.  Stress is one of the primary signal flags that pushes us to let go of what makes us feel bad.

This is not therapy or mysticism.  We have all intuitively let go of something.  Most people carry emotional pain for years or decades.  Conscious letting go is part of your built in equipment—you were simply not taught how to access this skill.

You can discover conscious letting go in as little as an hour.  You can learn the skill of identifying emotional pain. You can even learn to assist others to identify and let go with specific, intensive training.

We hope you will explore this skill and upgrade your life.  Not only will you learn to let go but the impact will begin to affect everyone around you in a positive way.

People who learn to let go find it life transforming.  Often times it triggers a whole new phase of life that connects us with a renewed sense of purpose and meaning.  Aspects of life that have seemed like a struggle are no longer so burdensome.

Letting go is a new beginning of a life bursting with opportunity and creative expression. Letting go frees you to be more effective, you become a better communicator, you will find people listen to you and just want to be around you more.

Business leaders find that that they become more profitable, and creative.  Letting go leads to less stress and struggle, greater life balance without sacrificing productivity and career.

Go for a life where you don’t have to live with chronic emotional pain and its consequences.

Join our community to find out more and begin to let go of your pain.