Why I Can't Heal My Pain


Imagine if you were born and gradually over the years you started to accumulate physical pain, things that happened to you that would not heal.  Some of the injuries were obvious, cuts and broken bones of a lifetime were obvious and came in an instance,  some hurts were subtle and so gradual it was hard to notice them at first.

Imagine that it was the same with others, that carrying physical pain was considered natural, just a part of living.  You would accustom yourself to it; to seeing it in them; you would know it was there; you would adjust your life to it.  You would even be careful not to get any more.

You found ways to cope with it.  Maybe you could just ignore it and get numb.  A few glasses of wine every night, shopping, withdrawing into yourself, or keeping yourself busy all of the time.  You could see that some people dealt with it better than others.  Many people seemed happy, if not fulfilled despite their pain.

Then one day you looked at a friend and could see something had changed, you might have been unsure what it was.  Maybe you even asked them.  They said that they had found a way to heal,  to get rid of the pain, they had gotten rid of much of it and had the tools and support to work on the rest, it just kept getting better.

They were happier, free, willing to live life fully not worried about getting hurt.

What would you do?

This is a true story; just replace the concept of physical pain with emotional pain.  Unless you have already found a way to heal your emotional hurts you are carrying pain from the past and it is affecting every aspect of your life.

You have accustomed yourself to it.

Our culture believes you cannot heal emotional it, that it is natural to carry emotional pain. Just suck it up, goes the saying.

We have shut down our awareness to it.

You have found ways to cope with it.  Alcohol, work, sports, shopping, affairs, anger and many of our other behaviors are coping mechanisms that distract you from our emotional pain, help you avoid experiencing more pain. Unfortunately the coping mechanisms also constrain your sense of freedom, spontaneity and creativity in your life.  These coping mechanisms drain the intimacy and closeness out of your relationships and handicap you in your work.

You can lift the veil from your eyes and heal and recover from your pain.  Life has so much to offer you that you are not yet aware of.  It can be better and just keep getting better.  There is a permanent lasting solution to your stress, anxiety and worry.  You do not have to be in pain any more.