It is interesting to look at language, it is the source code of your thinking and your thinking has a huge effect on your perception of life. Often times when we change our language we change our experience.
Read MoreIt is strange but I often notice that we have a hardship economy. I mean that we like to accumulate hardships like they are valuable.
Read MoreIf you were to write a list for Santa what would you put on it? What do you want? If your list is full of material things - what will those things give you?
Read MoreEvery so often I get inspired to do all of the little things I have put off for one reason or another. Today I bought some shelf pins so I could put up a couple of shelves, I took something out to the garage that had been sitting by the door, cleaned up my email and a few other things. I love the feeling of less clutter.
Read MoreThis year at your holiday gatherings, try something new. Use this inquiry practice as an expression of your gratitude towards others: commit for the entirety of the gathering to make nothing about you.
Read MoreOur minds are constantly making up stories about what things mean. Particularly about what other people’s behavior means about us. What other people do is rarely about us, it is about them.
Read MoreWhat creates life, vitality, and productivity in any system, individual or group is the movement of energy. The biggest problems occur when there is stagnant energy, think of a log jam in a river. In all systems stagnant energy creates a back up of energy that shows up and can be identified in each individual in the form of stress, anxiety, frustration, depression, suppression, worry… These are all markers for stagnant energy.
Read MoreMoney is one way we can predict, to some extent, how secure we will be in the future. Money is stored energy. You engage in work that you are good at and store your effort and skill in the form of money for use in the future. It is important to develop a deep respect for money (your effort), and how it is used in your life, while not making it the center of your life.
Read MoreInquiry Method has a powerful tool for knowing if what you are doing actually serves you. It is called light and heavy. We are used to using our minds and our thoughts to make decisions. This is important for learning facts and analyzing a situation but not very useful to see if something is right for you.
Read MoreIn finding retreat sites for experiences I used to be a hard negotiator. I would get the price down to the least amount, the best deal I could get. I just figured that it was good business and I was a good negotiator. Then when I got there I was surprised about a negative attitude, problems, and issues.
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