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More Resources after reading

Life at Altitude: Elevating How We Think, Feel, and Experience, Life

By Kyle Mercer


Thanks for reading! I appreciate you and feel so grateful to be on this journey together. To support you in going deeper, we’ve added more tools below.


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Introduction: Levels of One Self

A Map for your Journey

“Over the years, I’ve developed a map of consciousness, which is a map for understanding the work that we’re doing. I call this map Levels of One Self. The pyramid shape identifies five levels of consciousness, from base to top. As we practice and expand each one, it creates more stability, and as we learn to experience each one fully, we move up a level and discover greater altitude…

The first part of growth is to orient yourself toward “not knowing.” Unlearn the thoughts that are preventing you from seeing clearly. Here are the steps to move toward living a life at altitude. Each level has a specific emphasis around letting go, freedom from, and freedom to, which you’ll also learn more about as the book unfolds.

There are six levels. The work that’s done in the first four levels relates to freedom from, which means freedom from the things that prevent us from seeing clearly—freedom from the thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that hold us back.”

  • Kyle Mercer, continued in Life at Altitude:Elevating How We Think, Feel, and Experience Life

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Go Deeper

Kyle recently published Life at Altitude: Elevating How We Think, Feel, and Experience Life. It’s a starting point for living life at altitude. In order to allow readers to go deeper, we’ve added more tools on our website for every section of the book. You’ll find those resources and more here.

Resources By Level

Level I: Body

Click to see extra resources for Level I: Body

Level II: Mind

Click to see extra resources for Level II: Mind

Level III: Source

Click to see extra resources for Level III: Source

Level IV: Collaboration

Click to see extra resources for Level IV: Collaboration

Level V: Inspiration

Click to see extra resources for Level IV: Inspiration

General resources


One-On-One Coaching

The best way to sustain your own growth and build a regular practice of inquiry, is to get one-on-one coaching. This coaching method involves less teaching and is more of a personal, deep-dive into your own story. Coaching clients benefit from the individual, one-on-one nature of the support. Topics include business, leadership, management, parenting, relationships with others, marriage, relationship with self, money, and freedom.


Address specific problems, overcome stagnation, and create the life you envision.

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Kyle Mercer is the founder of Life at Altitude and the creator of Inquiry Method. An exceptional leadership coach backed by 20 years of experience, he guides executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs to their next level of success – based on what they really want. In one-on-one coaching calls, Kyle uses his trademarked Inquiry Method™, empowering his clients to overcome obstacles and discover lasting clarity, direction, and focus.

Kyle guides you through the process with confidence and helps you safely navigate matters that are hard to face on your own.

Common client issues involve:  

  • Business dynamics – Are you poised for a massive shift in your business or career, struggling with a failing business, ready to crystallize a new company vision, or launching an entirely new venture?

  • Relationship dynamics – Are you suffering in a relationship that’s on the rocks, a challenging business partnership, or a tough and exhausting relationship with your kids?

  • Inner dynamics – Is something keeping you from enjoying life, from being fulfilled? Do you lack of purpose, direction, and clarity? Are you unsure of what’s next? Do you feel stuck or confused?

Inquiry Method Coaches

These are our affiliate coaches. They are graduates of the Inquiry Method Training Program and may meet your needs. You can schedule a one-off call whenever you have something coming up for you or you can buy a package of coaching sessions. Some have their own coaching businesses, some just want to impact more people. They are all fabulous people. As coaches, they've always been helpful, they've always treated our clients really well, and we like them a whole lot.

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