It is strange but I often notice that we have a hardship economy. I mean that we like to accumulate hardships like they are valuable.
Read MoreIf you were to write a list for Santa what would you put on it? What do you want? If your list is full of material things - what will those things give you?
Read MoreEvery so often I get inspired to do all of the little things I have put off for one reason or another. Today I bought some shelf pins so I could put up a couple of shelves, I took something out to the garage that had been sitting by the door, cleaned up my email and a few other things. I love the feeling of less clutter.
Read MoreThis year at your holiday gatherings, try something new. Use this inquiry practice as an expression of your gratitude towards others: commit for the entirety of the gathering to make nothing about you.
Read MoreThere are two aspects to the Inquiry Method perspective. One has to do with our external orientation, our interaction with life. This is the externalized aspect of inquiry. When we use inquiry to interact with life, we approach the world with curiosity and wonder.
Read MoreApproaching life through the Inquiry Method provides a basic place to begin with any issue that may arise. We are tempted to say, “This person did this” or “They shouldn’t have done that,” or we try to explain how or why it is not about us. We are tempted to explain or defend ourselves.
Read MoreThe other day a client told me that she was celebrating her birthday, and that when she tried to think of something special to do, she found that her regular daily routine could not be improved upon.
Read MoreI confess I haven’t read the whole book sent to me by a client but I love the premise of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.
Read MoreNot possible. How would it change your perspective if you walked through life knowing that you cannot change anyone else?
Read MoreInquiry Method is about getting in alignment with truth. Sometimes it is an objective truth, the truth about “what is,” and we will never be effective if we are resisting “what is” (that which will not change).
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