Profit should be the outcome not the goal. Profit that ignores the process and the people is less valuable than profit that accompanies doing something well, something that benefits people....
Read More...print out your org chart, and turn it upside down. What if the whole organization was focused on the success of the people and processes at the old bottom, and now at the top of the chart?
Read MoreMy primary commitment to myself is to optimize my life. I am in constant search inside and out for ideas, techniques, understandings, blocks, baggage, ideas that don’t support me, perspectives, knowledge, practices, diet, exercise, etc. For me, this is the core principal to how I live. I apply this to myself, my relationships, my work, my parenting, my life.
Read MoreIn what areas of your life are you in an oasis? Where would you like to experience more fulfillment? What are the risks you are unwilling to take to have your life the way you really want it?
Read MoreI often use the terms "teacher", "coach" and "mentor" to describe what I do. It is important to understand the differences between them as you work to master Inquiry Method™ and Inquiry Management™.
Read MoreWhat if we were surrounded by people, businesses, agencies, and systems that were just as concerned for our long term well being as immediate short term gains? How would it affect our culture of business?
Read MoreIn Inquiry Method, we can grow our relationships by focusing our curiosity outward in our interactions as friend, parent, spouse, partner, leader and manager, and by using inquiry as the basis for our interactions with others.
Read MoreWhen I talk to people in a corporation, or in a couple, or to individual clients and I start to ask the question of what is it that you really want, eventually we all end up at the same place.
Read MoreIn my coaching/mentoring practice, I have been working with more couples. First, for a while working individually on personal and relationship issues, but lately we have been getting to a place where to grow we must all three talk together. Then we dance between individual calls and couples calls.
Read MoreSome people are natural leaders and do it all the time. The rest of us have some resistance to leading. Ultimately, we want to be leading all of the time, whether it is in innovation, growth, inquiry management, vision, tracking critical monitors of success, or maybe most importantly, creating accountability.
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