Surface and Core Wants

What do you want?That’s a hard question. What we want changes all the time, and these wants are mostly surface wants.However, in using the Inquiry Method, we can find the deeper want, what I call the Core Want.Say something you want out loud. Now start asking yourself (out loud) what having that will provide you (why you want it).  Keep digging deeper; keep asking the question (out loud) to each response. At some point you will get down to something that is the basis for many or most of your wants.Now we have something to work towards.If you want a vacation and drill down to wanting some peace, wouldn’t finding internal peace and changing your life to support peace be better than the temporary fix of a vacation?  Then you could go on vacation.If you want a doughnut and drill down to find that you want some love, wouldn’t it be better to find the key to feeling love within yourself?  Then you can enjoy your doughnut.If you want $10m and drill down to find that you want security, wouldn’t if be better to discover an inner security?  Then you can make all the money you want.The program of developing our inner selves is like anything else worth doing, such as exercise, learning a skill, education, stretching, etc.  It takes some work and motivation but leads to lifetime benefits.  Many people do not know that they can develop their inner self. Our culture does not teach this. We mostly teach developing the outer self.As core strength is to athletic performance, core self is to life performance, providing the benefits of happiness, self esteem, and success.Are willing to commit to developing your core self?  How would you do that?If you don’t already know, you can create a program or get a trainer or a coach.