Scaling Trust

Out to dinner the other night, one of my dinner companions asked a great question: “How do you scale trust?”  In other words, how do you create safety on a larger scale?My first response was “ask the Quakers.”  The Quakers took trust and reliability to an absolute scale, always guaranteeing that any business dealing would be fair or more than fair in an environment of very unpredictable behavior.  They made a brand of “honest as a Quaker,” and it was enormously successful for them.My second response is Sanctuary.  Let’s brand Sanctuary as a movement.  I encourage you to become a Sanctuary person, let it be known and experienced that you don’t judge, criticize, embarrass, shame, or hurt anyone.  See if you can practice really seeing who people are, under their behavior, and blow wind in their sails.  See if you can hold as sacred what they share with you and not talk about them behind their backs.  See if you can hold a space for them that supports them in accomplishing and becoming whomever they want to be.As you learn and grow as a Sanctuary person, learn the Inquiry Method or some other method for deeply supporting another person.  As a Sanctuary person you may become someone who actually helps other people to see themselves and even love themselves more deeply and perhaps share themselves more with the world.What would the world be like if we identified with being Sanctuary People as deeply as we identified with our political party or our football team?  How would it change how you see yourself if you were to become a Sanctuary person?