The people in our lives have a huge impact on us. As you get clearer about how you want your life to be, who you want to be in the world, start finding people who bring up your average, who inspire and encourage your journey, not just directly, but by who they are and what they are doing with their lives and in the world.
Read MoreI often see in prospective clients that they may very much want the results of mentoring like growth, clarity, action, happiness, letting go, goals, etc. but the fears are greater: exposure, vulnerability, potential for disappointment or failure.
Read MoreEvery aspect of our lives deserves inquiry including how we use technology. Give it a try, be objective. What percentage of your life is lived through your technology device? Pick a number and then begin to really watch yourself, be aware of when and how often you are using and thinking about it. After a day or more of watching, see how close you came to the truth.
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