What it Means to Be Seen - Part I
Hi everyone, it's Raven here!
This weeks blog is a clip that was taken from one of our Membership Calls. Our Membership Calls occur each week and are a great way to connect with others in the community, learn more about inquiry method, and receive coaching and insight from Kyle. If you are not a member yet and are interested in joining, you can check out our website lifeataltitude.com/membership-login.
One thing that I really love about the Membership Calls is that they are a safe space where I am able to be vulnerable and be and feel seen in my wholeness.
On this particular Member's Call, Kyle talked a lot about what it means to really be seen and become vulnerable. The entire monologue was over 10 minutes so I've split it into two sections. I will be posting the second section next week so stay tuned!
Key Take-Aways:
Being seen is something we all desire
Learning to be vulnerable allows us to receive meaningful attention
Attention for me versus attention to my strategy of being seen
When we are really seen, loved, and accepted in our wholeness it is deeply satisfying
When we understand the story behind something, there's nothing that we cannot put love in
When we recognize our motivations, we understand why we behave a certain way
When we are seen, we get filled up and are able to release strategies that we have created to be seen
As we become vulnerable, we learn that our strategies that we created do not serve us and we do not have to hold onto them
Do you have a burning question for Kyle? We would love to address your question on our next video blog. Send your topic or questions to peggy@inquirymethod.com