The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that the basic meaning and purpose of life is to be happy.That is it, nothing else.Everything we do, say, believe, achieve, want, try for, regret, attempt, explain, defend, resist, imply, communicate, eat, don’t eat, watch, etc…; everything is in the attempt to be happy.As a culture we have some really odd beliefs about what makes us happy.In the end happiness comes from presence, gratitude, connection, and flow.Presence means not thinking into the future or the past, but just being present for how things are now.Gratitude means an appreciation and awareness for what is present, rather than what is lacking.Connection means either presence with self or other, the movement of energy between self and others, or movement of energy within oneself.Flow is the experience of mastery, of excellence either within oneself or observing it in another. Flow is the seamless integration of self and the present experience, the connection with nature or the unfolding present.Practicing presence, gratitude, connection, and flow is all that is necessary to be happy. Everything else is redundant, superfluous.Where do you waste your energy and focus?