Testimonials from the Coaching & Teaching Circle in New York
Participants in the 2019 December Coaching & Teaching Circle in New York
Hi, Olivia here. The Coaching & Teaching Circle last weekend was so beautiful! With 34 participants it was the largest Life at Altitude event that I had been to. I've come to expect great things when Kyle brings people together but I must admit I had no idea how amazing it would be.
The volume of people seemed to create a more palpable vortex of transformation, energy, beauty, and courage, while still maintaining the sanctuary and safety that is so unique to Kyle's process of Inquiry Method.
Kyle, Peggy, and I had a corporate renewal last week and we had a revelation around our contribution to the world. We were able to sum up our mission statement into the following: We are here to create a lighter, happier, more connected, healthier, freer world.
As you read the impact of this weekend on the participants I invite you to think of the impact we want to have on the world. Our desire is to touch as many lives as possible. Ask yourself, who in your life wants to be lighter, happier, and freer? The only way we can change the world is with your referrals and connections. If you are touched by the words of the attendees send us an email or schedule a call. Let us know who in your life could use the support we have to offer. I’m leaving the Coaching and Teaching Circle with the empowerment to let me love MYSELF! - Jen
I love me and I love you since you’re just a reflection of me. I can finally begin to feel that truth. - Raven
I am leaving the Coaching and Teaching Circle without the barriers I carried before and with the tools to make my life exactly how I want it to be. - Kelsey
I feel this new sensation of the possibility to truly love unconditionally – myself and others. - Ilana
I feel inspired and free to express my true authentic self into the world. - Jane
I am leaving with a stronger sense of the power of my inner knowing, a commitment to live my life in alignment, and a joy in acquiring a process that works. - Karen T.
I feel blessed to have such a safe space to explore myself. - Colleen
I move through and see the world at a higher altitude after every event. - Steve
I saw more healing here and in me during 2 days than usually found in a year of psychotherapy. - Jeannine
I feel reminded of my true path. - Billie
Kyle is an amazing and unique coach who has the gift and experience to bring personal transformation on the deepest level. This technique is AMAZING! - Karen C.
I came feeling anxious and am leaving feeling excited, relaxed, and lighter. - Marisa
The Coaching and Teaching Circle guided me to the absolute understanding that in order for me to go further in my desire to spread more love in my world I need to love myself MORE. - Maggie
The Coaching and Teaching Circle was an eye-opening event. During this weekend I realized that I need to stop trying to change external parts of myself, whether it be how someone else treats me or a situation I’m not happy with. The change that needs to be made comes from within. - Jared
This experience left me empowered to change my life, and have more joy and gratitude. - Anabel
As before – I leave here with a renewed excitement for life and for making the changes I need to reach altitude. Looking forward to the Mountain Experience and sharing my experience with others in my life. - Etha
Life transformed. I have learned TO LOVE MYSELF and give from overflowing love. - Christine.
What I got from the Coaching and Teaching Circle is such a deep connection to strangers. I just love being around everyone and feel sad that the experience is only two days. It is my desire to live this beautiful experience every day with all the loving people in my life. - Veshtrim
I experienced an “aha” breakthrough – I now understand my direction and purpose in life. Moving forward I will now be able to deliberately direct the overflowing love I have to offer to all beings. - Casey
This Coaching and Teaching Circle was overflowing with a desire to grow. There was a creative and authentic quality in the venue, the spontaneity of the teaching, and the willingness of the participants to be vulnerable and open. - Kathleen
My outcome was transformative and gave me better insight into the person I want to be and how to get there. - Ali
As I allow myself to flow through the morning after my most recent L@A experience, I feel the coming on of the inevitable recalibration that I have come to expect. Though my experiences with L@A have at times been revelatory and sudden more often and most impactful for me is the sinking in that occurs in the immediate hours and days afterward. It may even continue over weeks following an event. There is a sinking, a rising, a clearing that occurs which I have learned to welcome and with which I have learned to flow. I become more complete, more whole, more peaceful. I access a higher altitude. Taking care of myself during this time has become as necessary as breathing in order to open me up to more fully receive what comes.
This time, I recognize the work in process as I experienced take off on my flight home. Leaving on an overcast day, the plane began to accelerate on the runway, I experienced exhilaration, anticipation to engage, to take off. Then came the twinge of fear as we entered the first layer of clouds. I surrendered the illusion and desire for control as the clouds washed over me. Surrender, trust, and vulnerability buoyed me upward to break the surface. The view beyond this height was breathtaking. As I rested my forehead on the rim of the plane window, I closed my eyes to the strength of the sun becoming visible through the next layer of clouds. From this altitude, the brightness of it was too much to bear and tears leaked from my eyes while love and gratitude rose to fill my heart…love and gratitude for the loved ones that shared and held space with me this weekend… love and gratitude for myself for trusting the wisdom within me to get me here.
Looking upward at the next layer of clouds, the gateway to more altitude, and downward at the most recent layer I have passed I can see the promise of what is beyond the clouds above me. The promise of space, of clarity, of sunlight more bright that I have yet experienced. This is what rising in altitude feels like. Less fear with each level, more anticipation, more promise, more connection. My heart becomes more full, more joyful, more excited and turned on for life and connection. There is overflowing of love in this place. - Diona
Again, we can only make the world lighter, happier, more connected, healthier, and freer with your support. Could you or anyone you know benefit from one of our experiences? What about joining our weekly Member Calls or monthly Hot Topic Calls? How about one-on-one coaching? If so, let’s schedule a call!