Core Strength
In physical fitness and athletics, it has become common practice to develop core strength. At one time, the development of the more external musculature was emphasized, but the more we have looked at performance, resiliency, and strength, we find that strength comes from the muscles we can’t see from the outside.The same is true in our personal development: our internal emotional and mental situation is so much more important to our experience and performance in life than the external situation.Most of the time we are trying to change our appearance, our titles, what people say about us, what we say, what we do, our accomplishments, awards, bank accounts, cars, houses, friends, businesses…. While it is fine to work on these things, they don’t mean a thing if we don’t feel good inside.Our inner core is what is important.My questions to you are: How do you feel about yourself in the middle of the night, how do you feel during your work day, what goes on in your head, what do you think about yourself, can you relax, how much love can you feel, are you tense, afraid, worried, do you react to little things, how do you feel about the people around you, do you feel satisfied, content, can you access joy, do you feel deeply peaceful and grateful?When we feel strong in our core, when our inner world is healthy, flexible, and strong, we can do all the other things. But without our core, the outer things don’t mean very much.How would it change your life if you were to shift your focus and your work to your core?What would you do to develop your core strength?