The Matrix Experience
This advanced experience is an intensive event, with a focus on Independence.
At conception, we carried the potential to develop toward adulthood in an idealized environment of love, nurture, care, safety, encouragement, admiration, support, etc. On a feeling level we still carry the awareness of our potential, if we had been raised in this perfect crucible. We also carry the awareness of the lack of any missing elements. This lack exposes itself as dissatisfaction, drive, anger, yearning, addictions, comparison, loss, neediness, longing, etc.
I have named these lacks, Voids, and The Matrix Experience is designed specifically to bring these voids into your awareness and guide you through the process of closing and eliminating the radiating impact they have in your life. ~ Kyle Mercer
Matrix is the term we use to designate the different stages in the biological development of a child. Ideally the progression of the matrices are designed to pass on the skills and abilities to nurture yourself emotionally and physically, to be a safe place for yourself when you make mistakes, to encourage yourself to playfully explore the world, and to develop self-confidence and self-trust.
When one or more of these matrices are broken, you lose the ability to express these capacities as an adult. In addition, any broken matrix creates rage and anger which is then transformed into drive that we carry into adult life. The Matrix Experience is designed to address and work through the issues which are a result of broken or incomplete Matrices.
Join us for this four day event as you are lead through a unique letting go process to become the source for nurturing and the creator of your own possibilities.
Some of the concepts addressed include:
Assess your childhood from the perspective of the matrix
Find hidden voids you are carrying and close them
Uncover pain and anger that you may not be aware of
Identify and let go of rage
Develop the deepest understanding of your childhood and parenting
Explore how to nurture yourself emotionally and physically
Become safer for yourself and others
See yourself as the source to create all possibilities
"With the work I did at the Matrix Experience, I was able to develop the awareness of what it means to emotionally and physically nurture myself. The reservoir of rage and pain has been filled with a joyful awareness of living. I feel solid and more at ease with living, enjoying my life more than I ever have before!" - Cindy William