Event: Learn Inquiry Method
Learn Inquiry Method
Inquiry Method Training Program
Kyle Mercer’s Inquiry Method is an overarching approach to life – a way of being in your life and in your work – that delivers life-changing insights. In the Inquiry Method™ Training Program, you’ll learn how to achieve breakthrough results using this proven tool.
This training program is designed to benefit a wide spectrum of people: coaches, leaders, householders, parents, teachers, entrepreneurs, and seekers.
This training is for you if you are:
A person whom others come to for advice
Ready to create clear meaningful relationships in your home, work, and business
Looking to bring Inquiry Method to your personal life
Considering or committed to coaching professionally
A leader who wants to create clear forward motion in your company or organization
Ready to fully wake up to your strengths and move through obstacles holding you back
Once you are trained in Inquiry Method techniques, you’ll achieve breakthrough results for yourself personally, with your loved ones, with your business associates and employees, and, with your coaching clients.
What it will include:
Learn how to cultivate safety and how to eliminate the blocks to sanctuary.
Master cultivating the presence for Inquiry, so you can get clear and fully show up for yourself and for others.
Learn how to coach others using Kyle Mercer’s Inquiry Method™.
Get hands-on, in-depth training on the practice of Inquiry Method™ and how to apply it to your life and business.
Watch demonstrations and get lots of practice- in person at events, and in trios and one-on-one remotely.
Get a deeper understanding of the Levels. Levels is a global map of what it means to be human from the perspective of the Inquiry Method.
Join a practice trio that you work with on an ongoing basis for the full length of the program.
Get training on how to develop a coaching practice. This won’t be the emphasis, but it will be included, and we’ll offer tips and advice throughout the program.
Gain personal clarity and insight. You’ll experience growth and get coaching yourself.
Be empowered and take huge steps to incorporate Inquiry Method into your life and reap huge results, personally and professionally.
Program Details
2-month training program
Prerequisite: Previous coaching or event with Kyle Mercer
Training highlights include 3 Saturday intensives to kick off and wrap up the training program, weekly group calls to experience, learn, and practice Inquiry Method™. In addition to learning Inquiry Method™ philosophy, you’ll experience hands-on training with Kyle and practice work with other group members. Practicum assignments are included throughout the 2-month course.
Course requirements include: Attend both the kick off and wrap up Saturday intensives, join weekly group calls, complete homework assignments, practice sessions with your trios, and one-on-one practice sessions with someone else in the group.
Kick-Off Intensive | June 6th 12pm ET – 6pm ET
Weekly Online Group Calls | 1.5 Hours
Weekly Practice Sessions | 1 on 1 and with Trios | scheduled independently
Mid-Course Intensive | June 27th 12pm ET – 6pm ET
Final Intensive | August 1st 12pm ET – 6pm ET
Inquiry Method Training is for you if you are experiencing:
business or personal relationship entanglement
a disconnect in your business and personal relationships
a desire to create or engage with more joy and happiness in life
a sense of hunger to live life more authentically