It is time for a revolution in business; in why we do business and how we do it.
Read MoreTake some time to understand these different capacities in depth. At what level are you performing in different areas in your life? At work? With your spouse? With your children? Friends?
Read MoreWhat happens when we can open enough to download a whole new set of plays, a whole new set of rules, to enter into a new field of play?
Read MoreBooks can inspire us but it all comes down to what you do with the inspiration. When you get inspired, the next step is to do your work and find your obstacles to manifesting your inspiration.
Read MoreHow do you discover the limitations in your life that keep you from fully experiencing life?
Read MoreAs I became aware that I was suffering and that there would probably be a long course of suffering, I decided to change my mind and totally accept it.
Read MoreI am reading a great book: Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder by Nassim Taleb. His concept is that there are things (and people) that are fragile, meaning that they are damaged by disorder, change, chaos, and errors; and that there are antifragile things (and people) who grow and benefit from change, chaos, disorder, and errors.
Read MoreWhat if we radically changed our view and said that the reason to do business was to serve the people in the company? What if the whole idea of business was to serve the well-being and happiness of the people doing the work? Impossible?
Read MoreProfit should be the outcome not the goal. Profit that ignores the process and the people is less valuable than profit that accompanies doing something well, something that benefits people....
Read More...print out your org chart, and turn it upside down. What if the whole organization was focused on the success of the people and processes at the old bottom, and now at the top of the chart?
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