
There is an idea in our culture that we are supposed to be confident. We have put a high value in knowing, we like the security of knowing. The model for authority is the one who knows. Even in the classroom this is showcased; the child that has the most correct answers gets the most praise.An inquiry approach to life is the exact opposite; it is the willingness to not know. When I step into a situation of not knowing, I engage like a scientist and an artist. I collect all the data and information which makes me confident and engage with truth, “what is”. Because I’m interested, I’m engaged.Once I’ve collected all the data, and once we can agree on the data it’s typically quite easy to move forward and agree. You will find that true confidence comes from using inquiry and experiencing life directly and responding to what is true with truth. The first step to confidence is knowing myself, knowing myself is not fixed, it is of the now, we must be willing to inquire into truth and into myself right now and begin there.Thanks to Kelly Keppler for suggesting this topic.